Sunday, May 17, 2009

My surgery is done!!!
Now all I have to do is heal.
Below is my attempt at smiling. It doesn't work very well.
And it hurts like crazy. We watched a funny movie last
night, and I thought I was going to die. :)

Don't you love how the bruising brings out the lovely
color of my eyes?

I also have slight brusing around my mouth as well.
But looking at the bright side, I just have to wait 4-6 months for
this to heal and I will be anble to get everything crowned and
it will be done!!!


Tiffany said...

YOu look fabulous, Amy!! Will you please let me know when you run out of ice cream so I can go get you some more?! I'll call ya tomorrow!

merebuff said...

the bruising does bring out the color of your eyes!

Soon you'll be done!