Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The New Tooth

Before picture, this is the healing abutment
that was put on after my implant surgery

The big gaping hole under the abutment.

The abutment that holds the crown.

The world's smallest rachet!!!!!

The new tooth!!!!!!

Here is some pictures of the new crown for my implant. One down 6 to go!!!

Monday, March 19, 2007

First Day of Swimming!!

March 19th 98 degrees. Pool temp 74!
As you can see Rosie was very curious about
the water and before you knew it she was in the
water on her own swimming around. We had
to do a little bit of doggie swimming lessons by
showing her how to use the steps to get out of the
pool. But once she relaxed it was OK.
These are some of the stages Jake help put
together at Winter Range

Winter Range is a National shooting competition that is held every year in Arizona. Jake volunteered as an "Arizona Ranger" So he got to work and shoot during the competition. There were people from all over the world there. There was a man from Europe and 2 men that I met from Australia. I even helped one of the days of the competition.

Monday, March 05, 2007

The Boys come to visit!!!
The Sim boys came to visit and we had a
great time going to some Spring training
baseball games while they were here. Again
please excuse the backwards pictures.

These are the Los Angeles Angels.
This is Tanner's favorite team because he plays
for the same team in Little League.

Cute Tanner and Sam

Ryon and Tanner

While everyone was sleeping Tanner and I
made pancakes for everyone. We used Tanner's
special "banana pancake" recipie. And boy was
it sure good eating!!!!

Here is the boys at the first game we went to

The mariners!!!!

Jordan Tanner and Sam

Believe it or not this is Ichiro getting up to hit the ball!

We are glad that the boys came down for a visit. We hope to

see them again soon!

Last Thursday was Sam's first Track meet
He ran the 800 meter race. He did a great job.
He ran his race in 3:23 minutes. Better than I
can do. Sam's school was one of 5 schools
competing and from the looks of the races that
I saw it looks like we smoked the other schools
We always had some one in first and second
place from our school.
Ok again the pictures are backwards
these are pictures of him running

Sam looking a little nervous
Sam warming up at the starting line.