Saturday, December 23, 2006

OK!!! I know it is the holiday season so I should have some other more "holiday" pictures than a beautiful blue sky while hiking up a mountain. While most of you reading this are having freezing temps and snow. I do have to say though. Yesterday I finally got in the mood. Because it was actually overcast yesterday and it rained throughout most of the day! I guess that is as close as we can get to "It's beginning to look alot like Christmas" as we can get. And it was cold too, I actually put on a sweat shirt yesterday when I was driving around town!!!!! Of course I do have to say that I have to laugh at the locals because some of them just don't understand these record "lows" that we are having. I was actually excited when I woke up to frost on my car window the other day. I am sure there are a few that thought it was snow.

Monday, December 04, 2006

this is the peak we climb on Monday's
My running partner Paula
Me and Paula, not quite at the top
View from almost the top
The very rocky terrain
My friend Paula and I have been climbing Sqaw peak every Monday morning for the last couple of weeks. So I thought I would bring my camera this morning. It was really windy on top of the mountain this morning, but luckily I didn't fall off.

Blankie Dog!
This dog is just like a baby. She needs to have her blankie to settle down.
The other day in the morning she was restless, and wouldn't settle down for her morning
nap that she usually takes, so I bring her blankie out of her kennel and she gets all snuggled in and can finally relax. Twice I was looking around for her and she had taken her blanket out of her kennel and was laying on it some other place in the house. Even at night when swe watch TV and we want her to settle down, we give her her blanket and a raw hide bone, and she chews on that just like a binkie. What a baby!!!!