Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cabin Fever
This morning my friend Teri (down below) and I
went on a hike in the White Tank Mountains.
There is this pretty state park not too far from our
house that has tons of trails. This has been the first hike
of the season. The weather has dipped into the 90's so
it is nice and pleasant. While we were driving up
Teri was saying that she was having a bad case of
"Cabin Fever" I thought that was so funny. Because
here we are taking the "first hike of the season" and
my other family are getting ready to hunker down for
winter. I was looking down at my skin and thinking,
now I can work on my tan. Laughing again because my
cousin Alicia is probably getting sad because her tan
will be fading away soon. It has taken some
adjustment to living down here. But it is growning on
me. I do miss fall and winter, but luckily with Ben
living in Flagstaff now, it will be easier to visit my
favorite seasons. I do miss evergreen trees and the smell
of Salt water. (Not the Great Salt Lake) I do miss the turning
colors of fall. But I am loving it here now too. So Happy
Fall everyone, I am heading out doors to do some hiking, running,
and biking. Come down this winter for some relief from the cold.
We would love the company!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

This is Troy (and the missionaries)
This is Teri and Troy
I have been meaning to write a blog about this
for awhile. And since I should be working, this seems
like a perfect time to do it. :) Teri and I got called
to be activity day leaders earlier this year. Marchish
I think. And since then we have been having a
great time. And she is truly a great friend. She has
been married to Troy for 15 years. And has two kids
Taylor (a little older than Sam) and Tatum ( a little older
than Liz) which is part of the reason we get along so well.
We can complain about kids. Teri has been a member all
her life and Troy just got baptised about a week and a
half ago. Teri and her two kids have been really active
in the church for a couple of years now. Now our Stake
did a pioneer Trek a few months ago and Troy thought
this was an interesting thing that they were doing. And
being a Firefighter, voluteered to do Medical for them.
Teri's son was old enough to go, and Teri was asked to
be a big sister. There was a lot of excitement in
the ward as the Trek came together. As a New Stake,
just organized in January, they did a great job pulling this
together in such a short amount of time. Anyways,
longer story short. Troy came home from the Trek,
and told Teri some of the experiences he had on
the way, and decided he needed to learn more
about the church. He talked to his brother in law
who is a member and who baptized him. And after a
good long talk from him, his brother in law said he should
call the missionaries. So Troy called the Bishop. (At 10:30
at night who was asleep, he had been on the
Trek too). Now, a side note: Troy and Bishop are
great friends. He called him and when Bishop got on
the phone, Troy said, "Bishop I think I need to talk
with the missionaries" there was a long silence on
the phone. Then Bishop said "Troy this isn't a good
time to joke around." Troy told him he wasn't joking.
So Bishop told him he would introduce them at church
the next morning. Well Teri told me that Bishop
called the missionaries at 6:00 the next morning
and said that if they screwed this one up they
would be in BIG TROUBLE. So I was oblivious to
all this ofcourse. But I caught Teri really quick that
Sunday to ask her how was Trek. And she said it was
good but she had to hurry, because the missionaries
were going over that night. And I thought, that was
nice, they are going to have the missionaries over
for dinner. I think she knew what I was thinking,
because she said "NO, the MISSIONARIES are
COMING over." I thought for a second, and my
eyes got big and I said, "For Troy?" "No Way!"
I told her she had to tell me what happened
when she had the time. The thing about Troy,
was that he always supported Teri and the kids
going to church. He was friends with the bishop,
who was earlier their Home Teacher. He came
to church occasionally to support the kids. Teri
always wanted him to become a member but never
asked or pushed the issue. And when the time came
he blew everyone away!
Well fast forward to his baptism. He is a well liked
man. He is a firefighter, and had many firefighters
that he worked with that were LDS as well. It was
decided to do his baptism in the Chapel instead of
the Relief Society Room. Which was a good thing too.
All of Teri's family were there. Most of his Family was
there. (They are not LDS but boy they are very supportive)
Alot of ward members, A ton of Stake Members from the
Trek. And his Firefighter friends. Lets just say, that
the chapel was filled all the way to the back.
When it was time for him to be baptized I just told the
kids that we would stay behind, so his family and friends
could watch him. When they started coming back, a
friend from the ward who had gone and watched the
baptism, I asked her how crowded it was, she said,
Wow, you can barely fit 80 primary kids in that room, but
try and fit 200 adults and it was no, problem. I was
thinking, darn it, I missed the miracle of the room
being enlarged for the whole group!!
I just want to say that through these past few weeks
I have gotten to know Troy and Teri even better.
They are such great people and I can't wait for
a year, when they can be sealed together!

Friday, September 19, 2008

2nd Place!!
Jake's last shoot was last weekend in Prescott.
He won 2nd place in Traditional and 2nd place
overall. We are so excited. Now he is getting ready
to shoot in Border Town down in Tombstone at
the end of October!!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Reward
All right I will let everyone know what
the reward is. You probably will think we
have lost it. And maybe we have. But we
were desperate, and desperate times call for
desperate measures. First of all let me explain
the problems we had with homework. Both kids
were frankly not doing it. After dinner I would sit
them down and ask what they needed to do for
homework and for the most part they would lie
and say they had none. So my next line of defense
was that it didn't matter if they had no homework
or not, they had to study for 30 minutes. That didn't
work either. We tried paying them for A's and B's
I think $10 for A's $5 for B's $0 for C's and
any D's of F's canceled the whole thing out.
That didn't work either. Every night was a fight.
I would go through notebooks, bags, see what I
could find. I was emailing and talking to teachers.
Jake and I were so frustrated, that when the end
of the year came we were actually glad to get a break
from homework. The kids grades weren't so bad.
Mostly b's but with an A here or there. And there
was a scattering of C's D's and and F once or twice.
With these grades came groundings. No TV, no video
games, no friends over......on and on and on.
You get the picture. And the bad grades came
from not doing homework. I was beside myself.
I was being a good mom and making sure they had
time away from distractions so they could do their
homework. I would look in their bags for it, I would ask
them "what" homework they had instead of
asking "if" they had any homework. I was going crazy.
So over the summer Jake and would talk about it
together and not really come up with anything.
We were tired of the lying and the fighting. It was
wearing on us both. So a week before school started
I was doing something in the kitchen and he was
reading on the couch. The kids were out swimming.
He all of a sudden said. Ah ha!!! I figured it out. I
know how to get them to do better in school.
I was pretty flabergasted when he announced his
idea. All I said is all right, if you think "we" can
make good on it.
So we told the kids. This is reward is stricktly for
All A's on a report card. We wouldn't count mid-terms.
Just quarter and semester grades. If they got
any b's or below they wouldn't get anything.
(We don't think getting b's are bad, but we
needed to shake things up in our household)
So if you get all A's 1st quarter you get $25.
I know it doesn't sound like much especially
since other like bribes like that didn't work.
But just wait....it gets lots better.
(atleast for the kids)
All A's for the 2nd quarter $50
All A's for the 3rd quarter $100
All A's for the 4th quarter $200
Total: $375
This is each person.
Are we crazy? Probably. But let me tell
you. The kids got very giddy when Jake
unrolled the plan. I got light headed.
But since school has started, there is no fighting
over homework. Even if they have one
problem in Math left to do from earlier in
the day, they do it at home instead of
trying to get it done at school the next day.
They are actually studying for tests.
They are telling us about projects when
they find out about it not the night before.
And working on them right away.
Now we are not going to let the kids spend
every penny on frivilous nothings. The money
is going to be put in the bank till the last report card
so they have the full amount. Then they will get a big
chunk probably $100 to spend how they want,
then they save the rest.
When I saw Sam's mid-terms I knew that this
was worth it. 5A+'s 2 A's and 2B's. He was my
biggest fighter. Being a teenager. He loves to fight.
But he loves money like they all do, even more.
And he has never had the opportunity for
this much.
The other great thing about this, is since the
mid-terms have come out, Sam and Liz have
come to me on there own, about how they are
going to raise their grades from B's to A's.
And none of those plans are make sure I get
my homework in, because they already do.
Liz talked to her teachers on her own and
found out that her B's were from quizes that
she didn't do so well on. So she is making
sure she studies and makes sure she understands
the concepts. Sam did the same thing.
I was a little scared when they started Cross Country.
I was sure they would be too tired to do
homework. And it would be a battle again.
but, they just come home, take a quick dip in
the pool, eat a snack and get back to work.
It is great. Now I am a realist. I don't
know how long this will last. I hope it lasts through
high school. But I know my children. It may get old.
But until then, I am enjoying "homework time".
I am enjoying not fighting.(Well over homework atleast)
And I love seeing how proud they are of

Friday, September 05, 2008

1st Cross Country Meet
Sam and Liz had their first Cross Country Meet
on Wednesday. They had to run 2 miles. They did
such a good job. (Ofcourse I am biased) They were
both in the middle of the group. Sam ran it in 22 minutes.
And Liz did hers in 31 minutes. I think it is pretty good
since they have only been running for a couple of weeks
and haven't been in any other sports for a couple of years.
On another note. We are so proud of the kids.
Last year we all struggled with grades and finishing
homework. So this year Jake implemented a heavy
"reward" for getting A's. I won't get into the reward
we have promised, however I will show you the results!!
Last year Sam and liz were getting B's C's D's and F's
and most of it was because they were not doing their
homework. This year, Sam so far has 7 A's (5 of them
are A+'s) and 2 B's. Liz has 6 A's and 3 B's now
granted this is only their mid-term. But we are so
proud of their hard work!!! And they are keeping
their grades up while running in 100 + degree
weather. Good Job Kids!!!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Dog Sitting
Since our fun Labor Day plans fell through
because of Jake's mid-terms, we helped out
a friend and watched Peanut for the weekend.
He and Shadow tried to figure out who was
the dominant one all weekend. It was kind of
funny. Neither one of them gave up. Peanut
reminded us of a little Ewok. His little face
and his little growl. So ofcourse that inspired
us to do a Full On Star Wars marathon this
weekend. All 6 movies. It was great fun!

Mr. Fix-IT!!!
Well our TV is now fixed. Our TV has been
broken for about a month now. And personally,
it has been HEAVEN!! I told Jake how much I
loved not having the TV. He did not share the
same opinion. When he bought the TV it had
been a floor model so we knew that sooner or
later that we would have to replace the lamp.
Well the time came and getting quotes was scary.
They said it would be $700-$800. And we didn't
have that much money to spend on the TV. So
with a little research we looked up the owner's manual
and figured that it would be easy to replace. We ordered the
part for $200. (Which included a new remote, and overnight,
Saturday delivery on shipping.) And it took Jake only 5-10
minutes to change out the lamps. I am so glad that
we figured it out on our own. I have to say I love
the internet, this isn't the only time it saved us a
bunch of money. When I needed to turn my little
company into an LLC, it was going to cost us
$500-800 to hire a lawyer. But then I hoped online,
downloaded the paperwork which was easy, self explanitory,
and drove downtown, and turned it in and paid $97!!