Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Our Brand New Advent Calander
Sam typing our daily activities on strips of paper.
(Yes, this is my very messy desk)

The cute tins Liz and I put together!

It has been such a long time since I have done an all out
craft project. But this year I am feeling better mentally
than the last several Christmas seasons. So even though
I am terribly busy at work, I am trying very hard to
do fun things at Christmas, and not let everything
bog me down. Since Sam is in High School, I feel like
I have very few years left, so we are making them very fun!
I decided we would do a fun advent calander. Ofcourse I
still need to make sure they have treats in them every day.
Heaven forbid, the kids really don't change all that much do they?
Then the kids and I sat down together and made a list of all
the things we wanted to do this year, like watching our
favorite Christmas movies, making our favorite treats,
see the lights at the temple. Make gingerbread houses, ect, ect.
I was kind of surprised how excited the kids were to help. Even Sam.
Now ofcourse he could care less about cute paper, and such. He left
that up to Liz and I. But he printed and cut the stips out.
I put the strips in the containers, plus a few surprises of my
own. So they don't know everything. But we
are very excited for a fun holiday season!

Here is a picture of Liz's Girl Scout troop doing a food drive.
Their group brought in 20 boxes of food that was donated
to the local Lutheran church. Here they are at the church
helping put all the food that was collected from the church, and their
private school. There was a ton of food! The girls helped put
together boxes that held all the fixings for a Thanksgiving
dinner, plus another dinner or two. The girls had a great time~

Busy Lizzy!
Since football is over, there
is a little more breathing time.
Very little actually. I thought I would
catch you up on what Liz has been up to.
Since June, she has been working really hard
with her YW personal progress.
Our ward had a baby boom over these last
several months with 6 babies being born.
So the Beehive class made quilts for each of
them. Since Liz has sewing experience, she
made 3 of them. And with all her hard work
she was able to complete her first 10 hour
project. for Good Works ofcourse.
She loves YW! They have some wonderful
leaders. She has also joined some friends in
a girl scout troop. As if we weren't busy enough.
But they have done some great service projects,
and have a great group of girls and mothers.
Both she and I are having lots of fun with that.