Saturday, August 26, 2006

OK Family, here are the pictures you have been waiting for. Speaking of those in Spokane who have called several times wondering why I hadn't posted them on the blog yet.

We painted Liz's room today!!!!! Sam and Jake were on a Scouting trip yesterday and today, so we had a little "Home Makeover" over our own. Last night Liz and I took a little shopping trip to Lowe's and we picked out a fun border and paint. The colors are the Nickelodeon brand. The pink color is called "Scribble pink" from the Rugrats. And the green is called "Atomic Vomit green" from Jimmy Neutron.
Yes, lovely name.

We had a great time painting, and above you see Liz holding up her border that we will be putting up in a few weeks. We will wait until the paint gets super dry. And you see a very sad picture of Tina also. She was very heart broke that we wouldn't let her in the room while we were painting the green. Ofcourse by the time things were dried, and we let her come in, she would not even look at us. She likes to hold grudges! I have a couple other cute ideas that we will be adding in the next couple of weeks, and I will be putting more pictures up to show everyone. Or you guys can plan a trip and see it in person. (hint, hint, hint.) Next time the boys leave we are thinking of painting Sam's room.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Speaking of Scout Camp, here is one of my favorite pictures of the boys that was taken this summer while they were away. I thought you would all enjoy!!!!

Sam had his first court of honor last night.
He recieved a ton of patches and merit badges
from Scout Camp this summer. He is already a
Scout first class. He has several merit badges already and can't wait to go to camp again next year. Vern Wolfley is the Scout Master. He is an awesome leader. You can tell he loves Scouts and loves the boys. He and Jake love to plan the activities and get the boys as involved with the scouting program as possible. Jake also recieved a scouting award for being a great assistant to Vern at Scount Camp this year. Because Jake spent the whole week up there with the boys. But that is because Sam is 11 and Jake wanted him to be able to go to camp this year. They had tons of fun this year.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

So Sam had his first day of Drama class yesterday. He is very excited at all the fun things they are going to be doing this quarter. The teacher gave him a course outline of what they will be doing every week. They will be writing scripts for skits and commercials. So Sam came up to me and said"You know mom, I think in order to be better in my drama class I will study some classic shows on tv to help me when I write me skit." I was very proud of my son. I was thinking Ok we will find some " I love Lucy shows" or "Dick Van Dyke" shows. So I asked him, what shows are you thinking of studying?" He said "You know the classics, probably "Fresh Prince of Bel Aire or something like that!!" I about died of a heart attack!!!!! Fresh Prince a classic tv show?! I am not that old!!!! But then I had to laugh, he probably hasn't even seen a "I love lucy show or has no idea who Dick Van Dyke even is.......I guess I have to admit it.....I am getting old.

Now thinking about it though.....if he wants to study a "classic" I should introduce him to "CHiPs" (For all those whose last name is Clifford, Davis& Farrar!!!!!)

Monday, August 07, 2006

Here we are at Coldstone (our favorite place)
for our 1st day of school celebration!!!

Sam eating his favorite flavor Coconut Creme Pie.
His favorite part of the day today was that a girl
named Mattie is in 3 of 6 of his classes. (He has had
a crush on this girl for about 2 years now)

We invited our friends the Leavitt's!

Liz is eating her favorite cake batter with butterfingers
and marshmellows. Her favorite part of the day today
was that her class gets snack time in the morning
because they eat lunch so late in the day!!!

I had my favorite today, Peanutbutter cup perfection.
Indeed it was perfection!!!!!!

Today was a great school day, let's see what tomorrow

I thought I would add a few more pictures of the kids, I still don't have this whole blog posting thing figured out. Yes, Yes, Yes, I know those of you who constantly check are probably thinking, well if you post more blogs, the better at it you will be. And you are right!!!! So just to let you all know. Liz is measuring in at 4 ft 5 inches, wearing a size 3 shoe. And Sam is measuring in at 5 ft and wearing a size 7!!! My little ones are getting to be quite big. I have been sitting home all day just waiting for them to come home and tell me all about their day at school. We will be going out to Cold Stone for a celebration of the first day of school today!

The first day of School!!!!

Sam is starting the 6th grade

He actually going to

Middle School this year!!!

Liz is starting the 4th grade this year.