Monday, August 07, 2006

Here we are at Coldstone (our favorite place)
for our 1st day of school celebration!!!

Sam eating his favorite flavor Coconut Creme Pie.
His favorite part of the day today was that a girl
named Mattie is in 3 of 6 of his classes. (He has had
a crush on this girl for about 2 years now)

We invited our friends the Leavitt's!

Liz is eating her favorite cake batter with butterfingers
and marshmellows. Her favorite part of the day today
was that her class gets snack time in the morning
because they eat lunch so late in the day!!!

I had my favorite today, Peanutbutter cup perfection.
Indeed it was perfection!!!!!!

Today was a great school day, let's see what tomorrow

1 comment:

Mrs. James Quigley said...

I love Lizzie's hair! Everyone is so grown up. Happy first day of school. Great blog Amy,I am excited to get updates of the family.