Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Relay For Life

Our Team!! (Jayden on the right is the Captain)

Jayden had a great idea to bring his guitar
and play songs to raise money. And it worked!!

Here are a few of the boys working the Bake Sale

Sam and Dax getting ready to make a few laps
on the Track! (Sam's funky hair is due to the
fact that he was dressed up as Wolverine from
X-men because we were super hero's)

We won the award for the Top Youth Team Fundraiser!!
Thanks to family and friends who donated money,
and thanks to Bashas and Shamrock farms who donated
a ton of stuff for our Bake Sale!!! Seriously.... Bashas a
locally owned Grocery store originally donated 10 dozen
donuts which was awesome, but when we got there they
donated tons of items from their Bakery!!! Then Shamrock
farms, a local Dairy Supplier donated 1000 cartons of milk!!
So our team over all raised $2003!!!

Here is everyone on the team in our Superhero masks.
Liz is on the right in the Bat girl costume.

Jayden and Ken Osborne!! Ken and I were the
chaperones who stayed the whole night!! We
each had to take a nap. We both commented
on how long it had been since we had each done
an "all nighter" and we were much younger then.....

Me and my girls!!!!
Tiffany Joyner (middle) and Jessica Osborne (right)

We had the wonderful opportunity a few weeks ago
for the kids and I to participate in the Relay for Life
with some friends of ours. It was a great experience for
the kids and I and we are all excited to do it again
next year. The kids had a great time. We showed up
at 5:30 to set up in the evening and got home the next
morning around 6:30. Our team was awesome. All the
kids participated helping to raise money and always
keeping someone on the track. Before the Relay, we
raised money from wonderful donations from friends and
family. Then that night we continued to raise money by
having a bake sale and a Pin the "S" on Superman game.
Our team was the Super Heros and we centered everything
around that theme. By the end of the night our team won
the title of highest amount raised for a youth team.
The great thing about that is that we also won a pizza
party with the kids.(So more pictures to follow).
I want to personally thank all our friends and family raise
money for such a great cause!

1 comment:

The Ridings said...

Awesome! I think it is so great you hane your kids involved!