Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Ok I was lazy this year. I bought a costume
for Liz and talked Sam into being a military guy
and just wearing Dad's cami's. Though this year
I have to say was pretty fun. We had a ward
trunk or treat party and Chili cook off. Jake won
the meatiest chili award. And I was able to be a judge
for the costume contest. And I have to say that
was a hard job, because all the kids were so cute!!

A couple of days before Halloween I walked fliers
around my neighborhood and invited parents to
bring their kids to have their kids come over and
get their pictures taken. We had several people
take me up on the opportunity. I set up everything in
the garage and as people were trick or treating I took a few pictures.
Thus the picture of Liz, she was my test shot!!
Liz went trick or treating with Jake, and Sam went
with his friends. Next year though I hope to
be a little better planned and let the kids have a
Halloween party.......


suz said...

great backdrop, to go with a cute girl!

The Ridings said...

I loved the costume!

farmerette said...

I thought Liz looked great! Back when Trinceton was my one and only I sewed him a costume every year. Fast forward 3 kids and I'm digging through the dress up box for anything that's still in halfway decent condition. So I don't spend hours on a costume anymore, but we still have fun.