Thursday, April 17, 2008

Jake's Suprise Party!!
Richard, Frank, Dave
Stephanie & Betty

This year I surprised Jake for his
birthday with a party with
all his Cowboy friends. I am just sad that
once the party got under way I forgot
to take more pictures. I have to thank
Dean and Stephanie for all the help with
the planning. Dean lured Jake away while
we could put everything together. He
was sure suprised. I was very proud
that I was able to pull the whole thing
off. And keep a secret for so long. You
know this is a big feat for me. I held this
secret for almost a month. I know, very
impressive!!! We had lots of fun. It
was great getting to know the gang outside
of the cowboy arena!!!!

1 comment:

Kari said...

Way to pull off a surprise! I am not able to do that ... EVER!!!