Tuesday, August 04, 2009

August Special
Get great School pictures this year!
Step1: Call for an a appointment
(woo hoo no sitting fee!)
Step 2: Pick a background
Step 3: Pick a pose from the 5 taken
Step 4: Pick which package you want
It can't be any easier than that!!
Call 623-332-6968 today for an appointment


Tiffany said...

Great idea and easy way to get school picts! I'll be callin ya...and I did get your msg today, but have been running so I'll call ya t'morrow:)


Amy look at the phone number!Other than that it is really great.

farmerette said...

What a great idea! I so wish you lived closer. I hate the tacky pictures that our school offers but the one year I decided to skip it and take their pics on my own, I of course, could never get my kids to cooperate to get a decent pic. So we're back to the school pics so that I will have a year by year photo log of what my little one's look like. blech. Please move up by me!