Wednesday, July 09, 2008

My Son Sam!!!
The best way to describe him is a typical teenager.
He has his own mind and is very stubborn. And
a little creative as well.
This story starts with Sam working hard on
earning merit badges for his Eagle.
He wanted to work on the Reptile merit badge.
I asked him what it entailed. And he said that he had to
observe a lizard for a month. Ok. I hate lizards, and spiders, snakes, anything
creepy and crawly. So I turned him down. Knowing that it was not
an Eagle required I said that I was not going to spend any money
on a yucky lizard. He was a little mad at me, but I thought I
won because I didn't hear anything more about it. Until a few days
later there was a big rubbermaid container without a lid that
had a yucky lizard in it. I was thinking what the heck, where
did he get that? Well sure enough he caught it. At a park in our
neighborhood. And I really couldn't turn him down because
I didn't have to spend any money on the yucky thing.
The only thing I did have a problem with was that
we couldn't find the top of the container he had the lizard in
and he was also catching crickets. And I could not handle the thought of
yucky crickets roaming my house. So we did get a little container with
a lid on it. I did have a little freak out when Sam caught this
huge outdoor cockroach that was like an inch wide and 2 inches long!
There was a little yelling on my end at that time. So I also had
Jake buy Sam already dead crickets so Sam didn't have to find
yucky bugs for food. Now that Sam realized that one Lizard was
great. He also thought more would be better. So I walk in
his room and find 2 more lizards in make shift cages. OK. I thought
I was being a good mom, letting him keep one. But I put my foot
down on 3!!! So I did make him release the others to the wild.
So it has been past the 30 days. And the lizard is still alive. He did
loose his tail. But he seems to be doing well. Actually
someone told us the lizard is a she. So she is doing well.
These pictures are all taken by Sam who is documenting
his little experience for his merit badge.

1 comment:

monica said...

oh thats so funny. i love that he found another way to get the lizard. good problem solving, he went out and caught one. gross though. and i feel like they would stink.