Monday, August 27, 2007

Ketchican, Alaska

Brenda and I on our bike trip
The town
Brenda all geared up.
Waterfalls flowing into the ocean.
Brenda looking a baby salmon
River flowing into the ocean.

Brenda and I decided to go on a bike ride excursion
here in Ketchican. The problem was the we swear
that is was up hill both ways. They said it would be rolling
hills, but I don't believe them. The bike ride almost killed
us, but we did manage to survive and enjoy ourselves.
It had pretty scenery and we were able to go into a
rain forest and walk down to the ocean.


Unknown said...

DaniI am so jealous. It looks like you had a awesome time. Love- Dani

Brenda said...

I can't believe you took a rear view picture of me!! And yes it WAS uphill both ways!